4D Analytics

Lookups Toolbar

  • Each calculation requires a set of Lookup Outputs set in Enumeration Administration
  • When a match is found, the result of the calculation will be the output value set in the Enumeration
  • Lookup Attribute calculations use the Properties Archive value as the lookup value for each timestamp in the point supplied
  • For all other Lookup calculations, the point value will be used as the lookup value
  • Group ids are selected from the Lookup Groups popup


  • For example, LUNumeric[12,{P84},0]
  • First parameter is the enumeration group ident which identifies the set of values to lookup
  • Second parameter is the point ident – the point value is used to match against the set of lookup values
  • The third parameter is the optional default output value - can be set to return a value if no match is found.
  • Only single values should be set in the Enumeration Group. Calculation will match on exact numerical value.


  • For example, LUAttr[10,{P105},Sample System,0]
  • First parameter is the enumeration group ident which identifies the set of values to lookup
  • Second parameter is the point ident – the timestamp will be used to lookup an attribute value
  • Third parameter is the attribute name – the value of the attribute is used to find a match in the enum group set.
  • Text/Numerical values can be set in the Enumeration Group. Calculation will match on exact value.
  • The fourth parameter is an optional default value. Where no match is found the lookup can be skipped or return a single value set here.


  • For example, LURUp[8,{P109},0]
  • First parameter is the enumeration group ident which identifies the set of values to lookup
  • Second parameter is the point ident – the point value is used to match against the set of lookup values
  • Third parameter is the optional default output value - can be set to return a value if no match is found.
  • Only single values should be set in the Enumeration Group. Where a match is not found, the calculation will look to the next closest enumeration that is higher in value (if any is available).


  • For example, LURDown[4,{P111},0]
  • First parameter is the enumeration group ident which identifies the set of values to lookup
  • Second parameter is the point ident – the point value is used to match against the set of lookup values
  • Third parameter is the optional default output value - can be set to return a value if no match is found.
  • Only single values should be set in the Enumeration Group. Where a match is not found, the calculation will look to the next closest enumeration that is lower in value (if any is available).


  • For example, LUInterpolate[6,{P123},0,1.0]
  • If no match is found, the lowest and highest values closest to the key value will be used in the calculation and interpolation will be performed.
  • First parameter is the enumeration group ident which identifies the set of values to lookup
  • Second parameter is the point ident – the point value is used to match against the set of lookup values
  • Third parameter is a true/false (0:1) value for handling values out of range. 0 to set this to OFF, 1 to set to ON.
    • OFF: the calculation should not handle out of range values. If there are not 2 values available above and below, it should return a default value, or no value at all.
    • ON: the calculation should handle out of range values. If there are not 2 values available above and below then use the closest 2 values above or below depending on the values available.
  • Fourth parameter is the optional default output value - can be set to return a value if no match is found or no interpolation is performed.

LUInterpolate Examples

  1. With an input value of 4 the enumeration has a match, so returns the output of 4.04.
  2. With an input value of 5 the enumeration does not have a match, so interpolates the value based on the two values (above and below). Above is 6 (output of 6.06), below is 4 (output of 4.04). Therefore, interpolating a value for 5 gives an output of 5.05.
  3. With an input value of 7 the enumeration does not have a match, so use the two values (above and below). In this example there is no above value, meaning it is out of range.
    1. If the third parameter is set to 0 (Off), then the out of range value is not handled and no output is returned.
    2. If the third parameter is set to 1 (On), then the out of range value is handled, so the nearest two values (in this case both below) are used to interpolate a value. An input of 7 uses 6 (output of 6.06) and 4 (output of 4.04). Therefore, interpolating these for a value of 7 gives an output of 7.07.